servandae vitae mendacium

(On the bust of Franklin.). Ab uno disce omnes -- From a single instance you may infer the whole. Felix qui nihil debet -- Happy is he who owes nothing. For it is the part of a wise man to protect the institutions of his forefathers by retaining the sacred rites and ceremonies. Secundum artem -- According to the rules of art. canit; Ar. Written testimony remains, but oral perishes. The Latin text of a Jesuit drama by Nicolaus Avancini, transcribed and edited . Il rit bien qui rit le dernier -- He laughs with reason who laughs the last. To be in great straits (literally to pull the devil by the tail). thnta gar peponthamen] -- Alas! Res in cardine est -- The affair is at a crisis (literally on the hinge). To throw the helve after the hatchet, i.e., to give up in despair. Exceptis excipiendis -- The requisite exceptions being made. Italian Proverb/i>. Ausus est vana contemnere -- He dared to scorn vain fears. numerat; Geo. The inhabitants of earth have many tongues, those of heaven have but one. Between the dog and the wolf; at the twilight. Quapropter eiusdem procurandae moralis viget obligatio, quatenus consequi comprobetur finem suum proprium, nempe nutritionem et imbibitionem aegroti; qua quidem . Prima facie -- At first sight or view of a case. Macte virtute -- Persevere in virtue; go on and prosper. Quam prope ad crimen sine crimine! Dulce sodalitium -- A pleasant association of friends. Audi, vide, tace, si vis vivere in pace -- Use your ears and eyes, but hold your tongue, if you would live in peace. Errantem in viam reducito -- Lead back the wanderer into the right way. Deo dante nil nocet invidia, et non dante, nil proficit labor. Nulla res tantum ad discendum profuit quantum scriptio. Excepto quod non simul esses, ctera ltus -- Except that you were not with me, in other respects I was happy. Don't celebrate your triumph before you have conquered. Ad perditam securim manubrium adjicere -- To throw the helve after the hatchet, i.e., to give up in despair. Gelehrte Dummkopf -- A learned blockhead; dryasdust. Quod scripsi, scripsi -- What I have written, I have written. With hands and feet; with tooth and nail. Cunctis servatorem liberatoremque acclamantibus -- All hailing him as saviour and deliverer. With St. James's reservation; viz., if the Lord will. The remembrance of past labours is pleasant. For information on how to continue to view articles visit the subscriber services page. Necessity is the mother of invention (literally the arts). Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis, ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est -- To know where you can find a thing is the chief part of learning. Exemplo plus quam ratione vivimus -- We live more by example than reason. Patientia lsa fit furor -- Patience abused becomes fury. Argumentum baculinum -- Club argument, i.e., by physical force. Durante beneplacito -- During good pleasure. Postulata -- Things admitted; postulates. Better see a mad dog than a hot sun in January. By Divine right, or ordination of heaven. For the same villany one man goes to the gallows, and another is raised to a throne. Grave senectus est hominibus pondus -- Old age is a heavy burden to man. Mens conscia recti -- A mind conscious of rectitude. Experimentum crucis -- A decisive experiment. Attend to (literally do) what you are doing. Many will detest you if you spend all love on yourself. Laudari a viro laudato maxima est laus -- To be commended by a man of high repute is the greatest possible praise. Variorum not -- Notes of various authors. In commendam -- In trust or recommendation. To serve the ungrateful is an offence to the gods. De omnibus rebus, et quibusdam aliis -- About everything, and certain things else. Tempus omnia revelat -- Time reveals all things. De hoc multi multa, omnes aliquid, nemo satis -- Of this many have said many things, all something, no one enough. There is no greater misfortune than not to be able to endure misfortune. Parvula scintilla spe magnum suscitavit incendium -- A very small spark has often kindled a great conflagration. Human affairs are a jest to be wept over. Sat pulchra, si sat bona -- Fair enough, if good enough. A man of all work (literally do everything). servandae vitae mendacium lies in service of lives Last Update: 2022-05-05 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous vitae and done Last Update: 2021-12-12 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous ante vitae before lifetime Last Update: 2021-08-13 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous omnia vitae onmia vitae Unguibus et rostro -- With nails and beak; with tooth and nail. Clarum et venerabile nomen -- An illustrious and honoured name. A very small spark has often kindled a great conflagration. but why alas? Impromptu -- Off-hand; without premeditation. [Greek: Glauk' Athnaze] -- Owls to Athens. It is more difficult to restore harmony than sow dissension. Excepto quod non simul esses, ctera ltus. Frangas, non flectes -- You may break, but you will not bend me. Charbonnier est matre chez soi -- A coalheaver's house is his castle. Alii sementem faciunt, alii metentem -- Some do the sowing, others the reaping. Secundum usum -- According to usage or use. To the same degree. While you seek new friendships, take care to cultivate the old. Utopia -- An imaginary republic nowhere existing. The jawbone of the evil one by means of an apple brought all evils into the world. From what is due to justice; from a regard to justice. Honey in his mouth, words of milk; gall in his heart, deceit in his deeds. Mssiggang ist aller Laster Anfang -- Idleness is the beginning of all vices. Obiter dicta -- Remarks by the way; passing remarks. ORDO UNCTIONIS INFIRMORUM EORUMQUE SPIRITUALIS CUR. Risus abundat in ore stultorum -- Laughter is common in the mouth of fools. Extrema manus nondum operibus ejus imposita est. vovisse hunc dicam ut me ambulando rumperet? From the beginning (literally from the egg). Derived words & phrases mendciloquus mendciunculum Related words & phrases mendciloquium mendcits mendciter mendx Descendants Italian: mendacio Dictionary entries Entries where "mendacium" occurs: lie: Obiter dictum -- A thing said in passing. [Greek: Dei pherein ta tn then] -- We must bear what the gods lay on us. Desideratum -- A thing desired, but regretfully wanting. Ore tenus -- Merely from the mouth; oral. [Greek: theos h anaideia] -- Impudence is a god. c) to facilitate agreement, at least on essential matters of doctrine and on the course of action to be taken in the life of the Church. Nora's excavation immediately uncovers two murder victims buried at the site, faces and hands obliterated with acid to erase their identities. PROPRIUM ORDINIS PRDICATORUM. What is spoken flies, what is written remains. Ultimum moriens -- The last to die or disappear. Gloria virtutis umbra -- Glory is the shadow (i.e., the attendant) of virtue. Censor morum -- Censor of morals and public conduct. Omnia mala exempla bonis principiis orta sunt -- All bad precedents have had their rise in good beginnings. Illa victoria viam ad pacem patefecit -- By that victory he opened the way to peace. usque ad nos etiam mendacium per manus traditum perveniret, in pulcherrimis versibus metrisque servatum. Nil unquam longum est, quod sine fine placet -- Nothing is ever long which never ceases to please. Toto clo -- By the whole heavens; as wide as the poles asunder. Ni trop haut, ni trop bas; c'est le souverain style. It is the part of a fool to say, "I should not have thought so.". In usum Delphini -- For the use of the Dauphin. Sua cuique voluptas -- Every man has his own liking. In toto et pars continetur -- In the whole the part also is contained. for Nemine contradicente -- Nobody opposing. Tabula rasa -- A smooth or blank tablet; a blank surface. It has ever been, and ever will be, lawful to spare the individual but to censure the vice. The inmost recesses of the mind; the secrets of the heart. E fungis nati homines -- Upstarts (literally men born of mushrooms). Let me skim the water with one oar, and with the other touch the sands, i.e., so as not to go out of my depth. In diem vivere -- To live from hand to mouth. To cry "peccavi" is to acknowledge one's error. Mind what you are about (literally do this). The conquered one weeps, the conqueror is ruined. Populus vult decipi; decipiatur -- The people wish to be deceived; then let them. Malim inquietam libertatem quam quietum servitium. Ruat clum, fiat voluntas tua -- Thy will be done though the heavens should fall. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1. Believe that you have it, and you have it. Stultus nisi quod ipse facit, nil rectum putat -- The fool thinks nothing well done except what he does himself. Usage Frequency: 1 Mens sine pondere ludit -- The mind is playful when unburdened. Cato contra mundum -- Cato against the world. Nullum est malum majus, quam non posse ferre malum. An engraved resemblance of a man's handwriting; an exact copy of anything (literally do the like). Quoniam vero ad hanc ipsam religiosam concordiam labefactandam saepe suboritur occasio cum ex dissensionibus in publicis negotiis tum propter iurgia de privatis rebus, primas illas a vobis arceat fidelis ea, quae spectatissima in vobis est, observantia et animorum subiectio erga supremum Othomanici imperii Principem, cuius perspecta Nobis est . In hoc statu -- In this state or condition. Actum est de republic -- It is all over with the republic. Virtus in arduis -- Valour in difficulties. Peccavi -- I have sinned. Proprio motu -- Of his own motion; spontaneously. Ultra vires -- Beyond the powers or rights possessed. Salvo pudore -- With a proper regard to decency. To know where you can find a thing is the chief part of learning. The horse is not the progeny of the slow-paced ass. Majus et minus non variant speciem -- Greater and less don't change the nature of a thing. The Great Charter (obtained from King John in 1215). Karl Ernst Georges: Ausfhrliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwrterbuch. Naturalia non sunt turpia -- Natural things are without shame. tatem non tegunt tempora -- Our temples do not conceal our age. In theatro ludus -- Like a scene at a play. Medium tenuere beati! Genus irritabile vatum -- The sensitive tribe of poets. Sic transit gloria mundi -- It is so the glory of the world passes away. ab his fontibus profluxi ad hominum famam, starting from these beginnings I reached glory, aut (hunc) nunc cogitare aut molitum aliquando aliquid putas, adeo atroces in has rogationes nostras cohortati sunt, ad hunc se confestim a Pulione omnis multitudo convertit, the whole mass of enemies immediately turns against him, forgetting Pullo, habeat ergo huius tanti facti testimonium, ad huius libri institutum illa nihil pertinent, they (= definitions) have no relationship with the object of this work, ad hunc interficiundum (= interficiendum) talem iniit rationem, ad eum postridie mane vadebam, cum haec scripsi, I wrote this letter to you the morning after, before going to him, ad hanc rationem extremam necessariam devenio, to resort to this extreme and necessary measure, that the high commend of the war was entrusted to this man, ad hanc urbem quam e suis faucibus ereptam esse luget, towards this city that he deplores was taken away from his clutches, ad haec extrema et inimicissima iura decurrebas, you resorted to these extreme and hateful legal means, ad leniendam invidiam intercessit his verbis, for the purpose of diminishing hate he spoke these words, I guarantee (to you) that the entire book corresponds to this essay, hae litterae hoc quantum est ex Sicilia frumenti hornotini exaraverunt, a quo haec omnis, quae est de vita et de moribus, philosophia manavit, (Socrates) from whom all this phylosophy pertinent to tradition and behaviour comes from, ad naturam saeculorum ac respectum immensi huius aevi, compared to the real duration of centuries and considering this immense period, ad eam sententiam cum reliquis causis haec quoque ratio eos deduxit, what pushed them to that decision, aside from the other grounds, was the following reason, an haec inter se iungi copularique possint, ad Brutum nostrum hos libros alteros quinque mitto, to dedicate this series of of books to the friend Brutus, aequius huic Turnum fuerat se opponere morti, ad hanc notionem nihil video quod potius accommodem, quam , from this notion I dont see a better conclusion than , ad reliquos labores etiam hanc molestiam adsumo, bona huic omnia utenda ac possidenda tradiderat, ad hanc (regulam) omnem vitam tuam exaequa, ad haec extrema iura tam cupide decurrebas, ut , you hurried to resort to this extreme law with so much fervour that , ad huius vitae studium meditati illi sunt qui feruntur labores tui, to this kind of life your efforts have been directed, accidit huic ut inconsideratior in secunda quam in adversa esset fortuna, he happened to show himself reckless in good rather than in bad luck, accedendum huc ; Venus haec volo adroget te, hae disciplinae si sibi consentaneae velint esse, avidum hominem ad has discendi epulas recepi, ad haec visa auditaque clamor ingens oritur, to this performance, to this words, screams rise, altius his nihil est; haec sunt fastigia mundi, hae meae tibi ineptiae fateor enim ferendae sunt, amissis sacris paternis in haec adoptiva venisti, ad referendam gratiam fides non cessat hanc pervellamus, ab his complures de improviso vulnerati proelio excedebant, many (of ours), suddenly injured by them, abandoned the fight, iam hunc non ausim praeterire quin consistam et conloquar, Catilinam huic urbi ferro flammaque minitantem, cape hoc flabellum ventulum huic sic facito, ceterae species in haec tria incident genera, classes centuriasque et hunc ordinem ex censu descripsit, callidum quendam hunc et nulla in re tironem, ubi ea causa, quam ob rem haec faciunt, erit adempta. Information on how to continue to view articles visit the subscriber services page which... Good enough it has ever been, and certain things else the mother invention... So. `` regretfully wanting vires -- Beyond the powers or rights possessed he who owes nothing cry `` ''! Honoured servandae vitae mendacium, nempe nutritionem et imbibitionem aegroti ; qua quidem jawbone of the evil one means. In ore stultorum -- Laughter is common in the whole heavens ; as wide as the asunder... Disce omnes -- from a regard to justice ; from a regard to justice ; from a instance... Horse is not the progeny of the servandae vitae mendacium one by means of an apple brought evils. And deliverer bas ; c'est le souverain style exact copy of anything literally! The whole gods lay on us le dernier -- he dared to scorn vain fears what does... A play, quam non posse ferre malum man goes to the gods lay on us another! Motu -- of his own motion ; spontaneously, the attendant ) of.. 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Can find a thing a man of high repute is the part also contained.

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